the vet is checking a dog

Veterinary Services

Pet Annual Comprehensive Exam

At Calera Animal Hospital in Calera, AL, we emphasize regular health check-ups for your pets. Our pet annual comprehensive exam ensures that your furry friends remain healthy and happy throughout the year.

Paw prints

Annual Visit

Pets need annual check-ups just like when you go to your doctor every year. Our veterinarians do a comprehensive exam of your pet from head to tail. Exams include checking temperature, cleaning ears, trimming nails, listening to the heart and lungs, checking the patient’s eyes, ears, nose, throat, lymph nodes, skin, and palpating the abdomen. During these exams, the veterinarian will talk with you about fleas, ticks, heartworms, diet, and vaccination protocols.


Microchips are devices about the size of a grain of rice that have helped many clinics and shelters get families’ fur babies back home to them. Calera Animal Hospital has teamed up with Avid Microchips for safe, reliable microchipping. They offer a lifetime enrollment and a 24-hour pet recovery service hotline. We microchip your pet here, and then after you’ve filled out our microchip form, we put all of your information into Avid Microchips’ database, and you will be automatically enrolled. 

Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms: Oh My!

Do you know which prevention is right for your pet? There are numerous products on the market today for prevention, but which one is right for your family and your pet? Our veterinarians are always a good source of information to help make your decision. We carry some of the best products that will help protect your pets against fleas, ticks, and parasites.

The products we offer will help you have peace of mind because we stand behind them. Heartworms are very prevalent in Alabama, and leaving your pet untreated can lead to a host of health problems. They are spread by mosquitoes from one dog to another. The mosquito larvae process can take up to 6 months to mature in the heart. This process for heartworms is long and sometimes goes undetected if not annually tested.

Intestinal worms are different from heartworms in that they reside in the intestines. One intestinal worm produces more than 100,000 eggs a day. If left alone and untreated, intestinal parasites can cause your pet to be very sick. Some of the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and not wanting to eat.

One parasite in particular, Tapeworms, comes from fleas. Did you know that one flea can lay up to 1,000 eggs a day? Prevention is the main goal for the treatment of your pets. Your pet should have an Annual Wellness Exam at least once a year. A fecal examination should be done once a year to make sure your pet hasn’t picked up any unwanted visitors.

heart diagram